"The Catina" is a science-fiction story about intolerance. I love the story, though I admit after reading it again a few times, the prose isn't as smooth as it could be. I'd like to really get back and revisit this one sometime.
This story has been rejected twice. First by Daily Science Fiction back in August of last year:
Thank you for submitting your story, "The Cantina" to Daily Science Fiction. Unfortunately, we have decided not to publish it. To date, we have reviewed many strong stories we did not take. Either the fit was wrong or we had just taken with a similar theme or several other reasons.
Best success selling this story elsewhere.
Take care,
When Clarkesworld rejects you, it's easier to push it out of your mind, because they really do only publish twenty-four stories per year, only half of which are unsolicited. But getting rejected by a market that distributes 365 stories per year is a toughie. Not saying DSF is an easy market to crack, but you'd think there would be more room for the aspiring writer. And I'm sure there is, and this story just wasn't up to snuff. But that's the point--you really can't sugar coat getting rejected by a market that has to put out a story once a day.
The second rejection came from Strange Horizons:
"Dear Joseph Romel,
Thank you for submittng "The Cantina" to Strange Horizons, but we've decided not to accept it for publication.
We appreciate your interest in the magazine.
--Lydia Waldman"
I don't know what will become of this little story, but I suppose it's worth finding out.
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